Webpage Conversion Tool

Export Webpage, HTML to File, File to HTML

When you launch the software after installing on Windows, you will have three options—Webpage conversion, HTML to file conversion, and File to HTML conversion. The later is extremely useful when you want to render an HTML file from a mockup you created for your client. When exporting a website to the desired format, you can choose an orientation, quality, page size, remove background, Zoom level, and disable javascript. The last option is something you should experiment with as some websites use it for the UI.

What I noticed is that the service performs all conversions online. The files you upload here to convert HTML or any other file is uploaded, and then it converts, and you get a prompt to download. According to their Privacy Policy

List of formats available for conversion

Html to file All transfers are made by SSL encrypted channel.

Documents: doc, docx, md, odt, pdf, rtf, tex, txtEbooks: azw3, epub, lrf, mobi, oeb, pdb Images: jpg, png

File to HTML

Documents: doc, md, odt, rst, sdw, rtf, docx, dot, dotx, lwp, pdf, rtf, tex, txt, wpd, wps, zabwPresentations: dps, odp, pps, ppt, pptm, pptx, sdaSpreadsheets: csv, et, ods, sdc, xls, xlsm, xlsx

Here is the sample webpage to PDF conversion for TheWindowsClub website. You can see it wasn’t able to download the images, but it did well when it came to creating a list of articles on the home page.

Overall it’s a decent tool which can convert many types of document, but according to my experience, they might not be perfect. HTML conversion had hiccups as it was not able to use the images from the folder where all files are saved. It only uploaded the HTML file. So I guess there is room for improvement. However, the conversion of documents into HTML was close to perfect. It maintained paragraphs, links, formatting, and so on. You can download it from the Microsoft Store. It costs $6.99, but it is being offered for free for the next 11 days, so make sure to grab it quickly.