Wavosaur free audio editing software
To be honest, the developer of this program seems to love Pokémon because the name of the software is similar to that of Bulbasaur, the popular plat-based Pokémon who travels with Ash Ketchum. As for the files Wavosaur can edit, only .wav and mp3 are supported here. Users can both record and edit already recorded files with the program, and not to mention, it comes with all the basic tools. Cut, copy, paste, etc., they are all there and waiting to be used.
How to use Wavosaur:
The first thing the user will notice is the fact that it provides shortcuts and other tools to allow for fast and efficient editing. This audio editor is very easy to use, yet powerful, something most audio editors lack. It’s never easy to create a software that is both power and easy to use, but the developers here have done that, and it makes for a compelling experience. To edit an audio file, just click on File > Open, then choose your desired audio and add it to the program. Despite the ease of use, you may still need some knowledge to fully understand how the software can fully help with achieving your goals. Worry not, however, because the program comes with a Help option, but you’ll need an internet connection because it links to the official website of Wavosaur. We should point out that Wavosaur is also VST host, which means, folks can use VST effects to spice up their audio recording.
All features provided by Wavosaur:
Cut ,copy, paste, trim-cropLoop points creation and markersVST host, effect chainingMIDI implementation2D Spectrum analysis3D Spectrum analysisSonogramReal-time oscilloscope waveform, FFT & panInsert silence, fade, normalize, vocal remover etc.Complete statistics about the waveformAIFF, WAV, raw format supportMP3 importRecording soundcard inputAudio conversion.
Wavosaur is more than good enough to handle your audio editing needs. It’s powerful, but not in the same league as programs designed for professional use. However, for your basic stuff, it should work just fine.
Wavosaur download
You can download Wavosaur from here.